Emiko Atherton spoke in Knoxville on May 9 and 10 about the many benefits of walkable, smart development.
Atherton is the director of the National Complete Streets Coalition, which is part of Smart Growth America.
Three events with Atherton attracted a total of more than 100 participants, including elected officials, planning commissioners, developers, designers, and members of the general public. During these presentations she shared stories of communities that have attracted residents and businesses, and have saved money, by focusing on quality development and walkable places. More information on these types of places can be found in Smart Growth America’s report Amazing Place.
Atherton was the fifth speaker to visit Knoxville as part of the ongoing Walkability Speaker Series sponsored by the TPO in partnership with East Tennessee Quality Growth, the Knoxville Area Association of Realtors, the Knoxville Chamber, and the Knoxville Chapter of the American Planning Association.
The next speaker in the series will be Rob Brawner from the Atlanta BeltLine Partnership on June 6 and 7. To get on the email list for this speaker series, contact ellen.zavisca@knoxplanning.org.