Interface: Knox County EMA - Municipal/County Maintenance

Information Flow Definitions
emergency plan coordination (Planned) Selected Comm Solution
Information that supports coordination of emergency management plans, continuity of operations plans, emergency response and recovery plans, evacuation plans, and other emergency plans between agencies. This includes general plans that are coordinated prior to an incident and shorter duration tactical plans that are prepared during an incident.
evacuation information (Planned) Selected Comm Solution
Evacuation instructions and information including evacuation zones, evacuation times, and reentry times.
maint and constr resource request (Planned) Selected Comm Solution
Request for road maintenance and construction resources that can be used in the diversion of traffic (cones, portable signs), clearance of a road hazard, repair of ancillary damage, or any other incident response. The request may poll for resource availability or request pre–staging, staging, or immediate dispatch of resources.
maint and constr resource response (Planned) Selected Comm Solution
Current status of maintenance and construction resources including availability and deployment status. General resource inventory information covering vehicles, equipment, materials, and people and specific resource deployment status may be included.
road network status assessment (Planned) Selected Comm Solution
Assessment of damage sustained by the road network including location and extent of the damage, estimate of remaining capacity, required closures, alternate routes, necessary restrictions, and time frame for repair and recovery.