The Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) will hold a public meeting on Monday, December 7, at 5:30 p.m. at Knoxville Area Transit Transfer Station, located at 301 Church Avenue, Knoxville, TN.
The meeting will be in the conference room located near the main entrance off of Church Avenue.
The public meeting is part of the TPO’s Federal Planning Certification Review conducted by the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Transit Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, and the Tennessee Department of Transportation as required by federal legislation 23 CFR 450.334. Citizens and other state, regional, and local partners and any other interested parties are encouraged to attend the public meeting to discuss the TPO’s planning efforts to meet the various federal regulations and how the transportation planning process works locally.
For additional information please contact TPO at 215-2694 or see the TPO web site at If you need assistance or accommodation for a disability please notify the TPO three business days in advance of the meeting and we will be glad to work with you in obliging any reasonable request. 865-215-2694 or Parking for the meeting is available at the Knoxville Coliseum Parking Garages and along the Church Avenue Bridge.