Public Review and Comment Period for Air Quality Conformity Determination on an Amendment to the Tennessee Department of Transportation’s (TDOT) FY 2020 – 2023 State Transportation Improvement Program

The Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) has completed an air quality conformity determination document on the behalf of TDOT to demonstrate air quality conformity for Amendment #98 to the 2020-2023 State Transportation Improvement Program. Amendment #98 is for the new Sevier and Jefferson Counties Project Number 2078220, SR-35/US 411,  (Newport Hwy.) from near Sims Rd. in Sevier Co. to near SR-92 in Jefferson Co. This project consists of constructing a rural five-lane highway on a new alignment. Air quality conformity for transportation project amendments is required in Sevier County as a former Maintenance Area designated under EPA’s national ambient air quality standard for ozone.

The public is being asked to review this document and provide comments to the TPO.  The comments and suggestions will then be reviewed and responded to/incorporated into the document as appropriate.

To provide comments or ask questions:

1)         Email
2)         Write to:  Knoxville Regional TPO
Attn: Mike Conger
400 Main Street, Suite 403
Knoxville, TN 37902

Amendment | Air Quality Conformity Determination