Draft Mobility Plan 2050 and Associated Air Quality Conformity Report Now Available for Public Review and Comment

Mobility Plan 2050 looks 25 years into the future and anticipates our region’s needs. How will people get from point A to point B, and how do we ensure they can do so safely and efficiently?

This long-range transportation plan is a blueprint for improving our systems focusing on safety, modernization, congestion management, and accessibility. It is updated every four years and guides transportation investments, allowing federal money to be received for projects and ensuring that the best long-term decisions are made for all residents, employers, and visitors in our region.

The draft plan includes existing projects in progress and new projects submitted last fall and prioritized after considering both technical analysis and public input. It’s important to note that this plan is fiscally constrained, meaning funding for these projects has already been identified.

Projects range from roadway modernization (like improving shoulders and integrating advanced traffic management systems) and widening roads (such as Hardin Valley Road and Edgemoor Road) to safety improvements (turn lanes and sidewalks) and multi-modal accessibility (Blount County Greenway Trail and the accelerated bus corridor project along Broadway).

In conjunction with Mobility Plan 2050, an Air Quality Conformity Determination Report was prepared to demonstrate that implementing projects within it will conform with the requirements of the Clean Air Act.

The draft plan and report can be found at knoxmobility.org, and all projects and related information can be found in the draft appendix. You can also view projects and submit specific comments on this interactive map: bit.ly/MP2050ProjectComments.

General comments can be submitted by email to mobility@knoxplanning.org, or in person by attending one of the following public meetings where the plan will be considered. Public comments are encouraged to be made by April 22, 2025.

  • TPO Technical Committee Meeting
    Tuesday, April 8: 9:00 am
    Small Assembly Room
    City-County Building
    400 Main St.
    Knoxville, TN 37902
  • Mobility Plan 2050 Virtual Meeting – Zoom
    Tuesday, April 8: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
    Register in advance

The draft plan will be considered for adoption at:

  • TPO Executive Board Meeting
    Wednesday, April 30: 9:00 am
    Small Assembly Room
    City-County Building
    400 Main St.
    Knoxville, TN 37902