Call for Projects:Section 5310-Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals With Disabilities Funding

Federal Transit Administration
Knoxville Urban Area
Section 5310-Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals With Disabilities Funding

The Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization is soliciting projects to be funded through Federal Transit Administration Section 5310-Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program.

Projects can include both operating services and vehicle purchases.  Non-profits who serve the elderly or persons who are disabled may be eligible to apply for funding for vans or mini-buses to serve their clients.     

Applications are due by 4:00 p.m. EST on Friday, January 25, 2019. 

Applications or questions should be sent to:
Mr. Doug Burton
Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization
400 Main Street, Suite 403Knoxville, TN 37902
865-215-3824 or

Check this site frequently for updates.  Key information needed includes:


TPO Call for Transit, Pedestrian & Projects

The TPO is accepting applications for TDOT's Multimodal Access Grant program through Aug. 27. These grants fund transportation projects along state routes for people accessing transit, walking and/or bicycling. Full information about project eligibility is available at this link

All applications will be reviewed by a committee made up of TPO staff and community representatives. The TPO Technical Committee and Executive Board will consider the ranked applications at their September meetings and will choose the top three applications to forward to TDOT. Applications are due to TDOT on Sept. 28.

Local governments outside the TPO's planning area will need to submit applications through their RPO (rural planning organization). Contact Ellen Zavisca (215-4014, for more information. 

Call for Projects: Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) and Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Federal Funds


To allow jurisdictions to apply for new projects that have been identified since the original FY 2017-2020 TIP Call for Projects and before the next major TIP update beginning in 2019 to develop the FY 2020-2023 TIP.

Funding Availability

  • TPO STBG Funds – There are approximately $2.3 million of un-programmed FY 2018 federal STBG funds available for this Call for Projects. STBG funds are eligible for most project-types, but if used on a roadway project then it must be classified as "Collector" or higher on the state's functional classification system. Most projects require a 20% local match.
  • TPO TAP Funds –  Approximately $340,000 of FY 2019 and $760,000 of FY 2020 federal TAP Funds are available for this Call for Projects. The FY 2019 funds will become available on October 1, 2018. Again, projects typically require a 20% local match. More information about the TAP program and eligible project types can be found here:

Application Process

A fillable application form is included below that is a slightly modified version of the Mobility Plan 2040 Project Application Form. Some of the options have been removed such as selecting major roadway construction projects and future horizon years since the goal of this process is to fund smaller-scale and quicker to implement projects given the relatively low amount of available funding. Projects submitted for STBG funds should ideally be of the type eligible for programmatic categorical exclusions under NEPA and would not require any type of right-of-way actions. Applications are due to TPO staff by Friday, February 23rd.

Evaluation Criteria

Projects will be scored and ranked using the criteria based on the goals and factors developed for the Mobility Plan 2040 process as shown on the project application form. Other important criteria that TPO staff will be evaluating in making project selection recommendations will involve an assessment of project completion schedules favoring those that are most likely to be obligated the quickest. This assessment will be based on ease of project implementation, past performance of the sponsoring agency in the TDOT project development process and amount/status of other projects already under development by the sponsoring agency.


  • Begin Call for Projects – Monday, January 29, 2018
  • End Call for Projects (Application Due Date) – Friday, February 23, 2018
  • TPO Staff Scoring and Project Selection Recommendations Completed – March 6, 2018
  • Technical Committee Review and Recommendations – March 13, 2018
  • Executive Board Project Amendment Adoption – March 28, 2018

An overview of this Call for Projects will be presented at the February 13th Technical Committee meeting. If you have any questions please contact myself or other TPO staff. 

Download the Application

TDOT Issues Call For Transit Projects

TDOT has announced a new competitive capital grant program made possible by the IMPROVE Act.  TDOT has made available up to $13 million statewide for transit projects.  Transit providers that receive Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 or 5311 funds are invited to apply for up to $3 million. 

Projects should address TDOT’s three top priorities: (1) safety, (2) reduction of congestion, and (3) economic development.  A 25% local match is required.  In some cases, federal funding can be used for local match.  Examples of the types of projects eligible include: transit centers, maintenance facilities, transit stations, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) technology, passenger amenities, rolling stock, and safety and security equipment.   An application is required and strong local and MPO support is highly encouraged. 

The application deadline is November 17, 2017 at 5:00 PM Central time.  Applications should be submitted to Matthew Long, TDOT Transit Manager, at as well as The Application package, including an introduction letter by TDOT Commissioner John Shroer, Fact Sheet, application and  instructions, can be found below.

Application Package
Save to your computer first. Then you'll be able to fill out the form and save your progress. 

View the application package (fillable form)

Call for Projects:Section 5310-Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals With Disabilities Funding

Federal Transit Administration
Knoxville Urban Area
Section 5310-Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals With Disabilities Funding

The Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) is soliciting projects to be funded through Federal Transit Administration (FTA) urban area Section 5310-Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities funding. 

Projects can include both operating services and vehicle purchases.  Non-profits who serve the elderly or persons who are disabled may be eligible to apply for funding for vans or mini-buses that serve their clients.  The complete Call-for-Projects can be found on the below links.

Proposals are due by 4:00 p.m. EST on Friday, March 24, 2017.  Proposals should be sent to:

Mr. Doug Burton, Principal Planner
Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization
400 Main Street, Suite 403 – Knoxville, TN 37902
865-215-3824 or

Call for Projects: FTA Transit Funding

The TPO, working on behalf of the City of Knoxville, is seeking projects to be funded through FTA Section 5307 & Section 5339 grant funds.

The use of these funds are for services or projects that provide general public transit within the Knoxville urbanized area.  It is important to note that any agency receiving these funds must have a Direct Recipient status with FTA.  

Addendum and Deadline Extension to Section 5307 and 5339 Applications:
The deadline for submitting applications for Section 5307 & 5339 funding to MPC/TPO has been extended to Friday, July 29, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. Submit applications to Doug Burton –

Application Instructions
Section 5307 Application (word document)
Section 5339 Application (word document)

The following link contains additional information that has been requested as a supplement to the applications.  Please review carefully.


Call for projects: Transportation Alternatives funding

The TPO is seeking projects for Transportation Alternatives funding.

This federal funding source typically goes toward projects and programs to improve the safety of people walking and bicycling. The TPO receives about $750,000 in TA funding annually. However, more costly projects may be submitted for TA funding, as the TPO has other funding that can be added to projects that are selected for funding. A minimum 20 percent local match is required. 

The Federal Highway Administration has additional information on the TA program, including what types of projects and programs are eligible for funding, and who may receive funding. 

If a local government has submitted a project in 2016 for the TPO Mobility Plan update, they do not need to submit an application for TA funding. They can simply inform TPO staff that they would like the project considered for TA funding. 

The application is available in two formats:

Applications/notifications are due July 13 at 5 p.m. to

Call for Projects for TDOT Multimodal Access Grants

The TPO welcomes local governments to submit applications for the 2015-2016 round of Tennessee Department of Transportation Multimodal Access Grants.

The Multimodal Access Grant provides 95% state funds with a 5% local match for the purpose of supporting the transportation needs of transit users, pedestrians, and bicyclists through infrastructure projects that address multimodal gaps along the state highway network.

Applications are due to the TPO at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, December 8, 2015. They should be sent to Any questions should go to Ellen Zavisca at that address or at 215-4014.

Here are the guidelines for the grant application. Here are Part 1 and Part 2 of the application. Here is the TPO's timeline for accepting and reviewing grant applications.