Technical Committee

Technical Committee, March 11, 2025

Agenda Item #4
FY 2023-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Amendment

The City of Knoxville requested an amendment for the existing Traffic Signal Improvements for the U.T. Area project. The amendment revises the project schedule, increases ROW and construction costs and increases the total project cost. PE-N is revised to FY 2024 programming to reflect the most recent obligation year ($65,000 federal CMAQ). ROW is programmed in FY 2025 at a cost of $425,000 ($425,000 federal CMAQ). Construction costs in FY 2026 are increased to $4,760,271 CMAQ (increase of $2,195,911). The additional CMAQ is new CMAQ PM2.5 funding and in addition to the original CMAQ award. This amendment adds $2,620,911 (+$2,620,911 federal CMAQ PM2.5) to the project and the TIP. The total project cost is increased to $5,587,911.

Attachment #4B: 23-2017-061 Draft Amendment
Attachment #4C: Draft TIP Amendment Resolution
Attachment #4D: Draft Metropolitan Planning Process Self-Certification

Presenter Craig Luebke, TPO Staff