Technical Committee

Technical Committee, March 11, 2025

Agenda Item #5
PM2 & 3 Midpoint Performance Measures

As part of the overall FHWA Transportation Performance Management process, there is a 4-year Performance Period for the performance measures covered under PM2 (Pavement & Bridge Condition) and PM3 (Congestion/Reliability/Environment). After two years, the states are required to prepare a Mid Performance Period Progress Report and at that point can adjust the 4-year targets if necessary. TDOT decided to adjust a few of their targets which means that the TPO has 180 days to either: agree to support the state target or establish specific numeric targets for our region. Staff recommends supporting the TDOT adjusted targets.

Attachment #5a: TDOT Mid Performance Period Progress Report 
Attachment #5b: Draft Resolution Adopting TDOT Adjusted 4-Year Targets for PM2 and PM3


Presenter Mike Conger, TPO Staff