Public Notice: How to Participate in the Executive Board Meeting

Instruction on how to participate in the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization Executive Board meeting and the Public Hearing on the FTA Section 5307/5339 Program of Projects The Knoxville Regional TPO Executive Board meeting on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. will be held electronically utilizing the Zoom video-conferencing platform. Included on the agenda is the Public Hearing on the proposed transit FY2020 Program of Projects. If you wish to make a public comment on any agenda item, live during the meeting, please request access by contacting Laura Edmonds at or at 865-215-2506. As part of your request please provide your full name, email address, and indicate which agenda item you wish to provide comment. Request must be submitted by 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21, 2020. Once a request is received, you will be sent an email invitation that will include a Zoom link that will enable you to connect to the meeting. If you are unable to participate during the live meeting and you want to provide a public comment, you can do so in advance. Please send your comments to Laura Edmonds at the contact information above. Clearly indicate which agenda item your comment concerns and include your full name, email address. Comments received will be read into the record during the live meeting. Comments must be submitted no later than 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21, 2020. If you only want to view the meeting and do not want to make a public comment, you can watch the meeting both live and recorded on YouTube below. Watch Meeting Additional information on the Program of Projects and the Public Hearing can be viewed here.

Public Notice: 2020 Transit Program of Projects (POP)

Due to social-distancing safeguards, the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Executive Board meeting on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. will be held electronically. 

On the agenda is the Public Hearing on the proposed Program of Projects (POP) funded by FY2020 Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula and Section 5339 Bus and Bus Facilities grants.  The meeting will utilize the Zoom video-conferencing platform.  Further information on how to access the meeting will be on the TPO website, so check frequently for updates.

The City of Knoxville is the Designated Recipient of the FTA funds.  The public involvement process, including the times established for public review and for allowing comment on the POP, follows the TPO’s Transportation Improvement Program public involvement process, as allowed by FTA and in accordance with appropriate federal regulations.  Written and, if possible, oral comments will be allowed on the proposed POP.  If there are no changes, the POP will be considered final. 

Interested persons or agencies and particularly private transportation providers are encouraged to participate in the process.  To be mailed or faxed a copy of the POP or to provide comments in advance of the meeting contact Doug Burton at 400 Main Street, Suite 403, Knoxville, TN 37902 or at (865) 215-3824 or at  Comments must be submitted by 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21, 2020 to be read at the meeting.

Proposed POP 

Gov. Bill Lee’s Executive Order No. 16 recognizes the unprecedented COVID-19 threat and allows electronic meetings in compliance with the state’s Open Meetings Act.  The TPO will post a recording of the meeting on the TPO website within 48 hours of its conclusion. 

Public Notice: Change of Meeting Venue for the Technical Committee

Due to social-distancing safeguards, the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Executive Board meeting on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. will be held electronically.
Unfortunately, the public will not be able to attend or join the meeting live. However, in keeping with Governor Lee’s Executive Order #16 the TPO will post a recording of the electronic meeting on the TPO website within 48 hours of its conclusion. The Agenda of the meeting is available here. The public can submit comments concerning items on the agenda and they will be read into the public record. To submit a comment please contact Doug Burton at 865-215-3824 or Once posted, if you need assistance viewing the recorded meeting please notify the TPO at 865-215-2694 or

Public Notice: Change of Meeting Venue for the Executive Board

Due to the current situation with Covid19 and the Knox County Safer From Home Order, the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Executive Board meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 25th at 9:00 a.m. will now be held electronically.
Unfortunately, the public will not be able to attend or join the meeting live. However, in keeping with Governor Lee’s Executive Order #16 the TPO will post a recording of the electronic meeting on the TPO website within 48 hours of its conclusion. The Agenda of the meeting is available here. The public can submit comments concerning items on the agenda and they will be read into the public record up to 8:00 a.m. on March 25, 2020. To submit a comment please contact Doug Burton at 865-215-3824 or Once posted, if you need assistance viewing the recorded meeting please notify the TPO at 865-215-2694 or

Public Review and Comment Period: Air Quality Conformity Determination on Amendments to the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization FY 2020 – 2023 Transportation Improvement Program.

The Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) announces a 30-day public review and comment period (March 23, 2020 through April 22, 2020) for amendments to the FY2020 – 2023 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) involving projects #20-2014-003 (Alcoa Highway Widening) and #20-2014-007 (Foothills Mall Drive Extension). The TPO is soliciting public comments on the Air Quality Conformity Determination made for these amendments. You are invited to comment by phone, email or in-person at 400 Main Street, Suite 403, Knoxville, TN. Additionally, public comments may be made at the TPO Technical Committee meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 held at 9 a.m. in the Small Assembly Room of the City-County Building, 400 Main Street, Knoxville, TN. Comments can be made to Mike Conger at 865-215-3813 or at

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TDOT to Host Community Meetings on I-40/81 Corridor Study

  The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) is coming to town to share news about an upcoming study. They will be looking at a range of multimodal solutions along the corridors of interstates 40 and 81. By multimodal, TDOT means that they will consider a variety of travel options beyond just automobile, including transit and other forms of freight movement. TDOT’s study is an effort to better manage congestion in the I-40/81 corridor. They also want to improve safety, look at options for diverting freight traffic, and promote economic benefits. Everyone is invited to participate in the public meetings to provide input on TDOT’s evaluation of the corridor. The first meeting is: February 20, 2020 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Cedar Bluff Library (9045 Cross Park Drive, Knoxville, TN  37923). Those unable to attend the February 20 meeting have other options to participate: Submit a comment form online or complete an online survey. And additional public meetings will be held throughout the duration of the study. At all meetings, comment forms will be provided for your input. More information about the study and upcoming meetings can be found here.

Getting Back to Basics: Building Walkable Schools

Dr. Ruth Steiner from the University of Florida joined us in Knoxville on Dec. 4 and 4, 2019, to speak with community leaders and the public about the keys to choosing and creating school sites for walkability.

Ruth shared research and best practices on school transportation, and led a workshop with school officials where sites for two new school were discussed. Knox County Schools will be building three new schools in the next couple of years. 

Ruth was the 12th speaker we’ve hosted through Active Knox, which is funded through a grant from the Tennessee Department of Health.
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Grassroots Approaches to Safer Streets

Louise Lockett Gordon from Bike Walk RVA was in Knoxville on Oct. 15 and 16 to speak with community leaders, activists, and a public session on the role a nonprofit can play in getting to safer streets. 

Louise shared great examples of the many ways her organization engages the public and elected officials to make a positive impact on street safety in Richmond, VA.

Louise was the 11th speaker we’ve hosted through Active Knox, which is funded through a grant from the Tennessee Department of Health.

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Notice of Public Review: The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) announces the beginning of a 30-day review and comment period on its 2020-2023 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) announces the beginning of a 30-day review and comment period on its 2020-2023 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).  The STIP establishes projects for major construction and Public Transit over the four-year period, which will utilize available and projected Federal funds.