Transportation Improvement Program

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a four-year work program of federally funded and regionally significant multimodal transportation projects within the Knoxville Urban Area.

The TIP serves to implement projects identified in the region’s long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan, Mobility Plan 2045. The projects listed are developed in cooperation with the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT), regional public transportation providers, member jurisdictions, and the public. The resulting document provides an overview of transportation investments in the region over a four-year period. All projects in the TIP must be consistent with, or selected from, the current Metropolitan Transportation Plan and the TIP must be fiscally constrained based on estimated revenues.

Administrative Modifications (minor) and Amendments (major) are changes
to the approved TIP as defined beginning at page 31 of the FY 2023-2026 TIP.

Proposed Amendments

None available at this time.

Approved Amendments + Administrative Modifications